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U.S. government connects health professionals during disasters


ICF与美国合作.S. 卫生与公众服务部 to establish ASPR TRACIE, an information gateway that helps public health and medical professionals connect with top-level content about disaster 准备 and 复苏.

ASPR TRACIE’s online platform ensures that all stakeholders—federal, 状态, 当地的, 部落, 领土, 非政府组织, and in the private sector—can access information and resources to improve preparedness, 响应, 复苏, 以及缓解措施.


“在灾难降临之前, health and emergency management professionals need the best information possible to make plans that can be used to protect health and save lives.”

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Emergency Preparedness and Response, U.S. 卫生与公众服务部

In 响应 to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, the U.S 卫生与公众服务部 created the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) to lead work in prevention, 准备, and 响应 to public health emergencies and disasters.

ASPR needed to meet the information and technical assistance needs of regional ASPR staff, 医疗联盟, 医疗保健机构, 医疗服务提供者, 应急管理人员, 公共卫生从业人员, 还有从事灾难医学的人, 医疗保健系统准备, 公共卫生应急准备.

Technical Resources, 援助中心, 和信息交换(ASPR TRACIE) logo
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) logo

ASPR’s mission requires that public health and medical professionals and emergency first responders have a foundation of solid, 可靠的信息. Such information historically has been difficult to find. Resorting to Google searches—and the unverified, un可靠的信息 they can produce—is not a viable approach considering what is at stake.


  • Too much information in some areas, not enough in others.
  • 专家提供的相互矛盾的意见.
  • 来源各异,可靠性不明.
  • 挑战s in requesting technical assistance and training.


ASPR teamed up with ICF to meet the clear need for a reliable source of information about disaster preparedness and 复苏 for 状态 and 当地的 authorities, 美国卫生和公众服务部的受让人, 医疗机构的应急管理人员, 医疗保健联盟.

在一起, ASPR和ICF创建了技术资源, 援助中心, 和信息交换(ASPR TRACIE), a gateway for easily accessible resources and technical assistance about 医疗保健系统准备, 公共卫生准备, 灾难临床医学.


With three distinct but integrated options for accessing and sharing knowledge, ASPR TRACIE helps those seeking information about 医疗保健 emergency preparedness and 响应 to prioritize activities, 做出明智的决定, 发现培训, 得到答案, 确定资源, 建立在共同经验的基础上.


This three-pronged approach allows each user to determine their preferred path for finding top-level content about disaster 准备 and 复苏.


在线 技术资源库, 自助收集灾难医疗资料, 医疗保健, 以及公共卫生准备材料, 可根据关键字和功能区域进行搜索.
援助中心,通过电子邮件或电话提供一对一的支持. The center provides on-demand access to a deep bench of expertise whether the information is currently available on ASPR TRACIE or not.
信息交流社区讨论板, a user-restricted, peer-to-peer discussion board. Users can post, search, upload, and share documents as well as establish private groups. 

笔记本电脑上的ASPR TRACIE网站Comprehensive content on 医疗保健 emergency preparedness

为用户生成信息丰富的内容, 专家鉴定研究, 工具包, 经验教训, 规划指南, and training around some of the most pressing issues in 医疗保健系统准备 and compile them into 综合“主题集”."

These include easy-to-digest summaries that tackle emerging issues such as:


在其 第一年独自一人, ASPR TRACIE吸引了近2人,000 registered users and responded to more than 850 custom requests for technical assistance from 医疗保健 facility 应急管理人员, 医疗服务提供者, 公共卫生准备专业人员, 和更多的.

Disaster health is a complex and constantly evolving field. ASPR TRACIE can improve planning and 响应, even as its context changes. It will continue to grow and add features as dictated by the user community’s ongoing feedback.


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